Wooden Pallets Fumigation |

Container Fumigation | Vadodara


What is Container & Palate Fumigation?

Fumigation is a method of pest control that completely fills an area with gaseous pesticides—or fumigants—to suffocate or poison the pests within. It is used to control pests in buildings (structural fumigation), soil, grain, and produce, and is also used during processing of goods to be imported or exported to prevent transfer of exotic organisms. This method also affects the structure itself, affecting pests that inhabit the physical structure, such as woodborers and drywood termites.

Fumigation is a method of killing pests, termites or any other harmful living organisms to prevent transfer of exotic organisms.

Fumigation is executed, by suffocating or poisoning pest, within an area of specified space by using fumigants. Normally, fumigation is done for wood material used for packing of goods to be exported. In some cases, empty container before stuffing of cargo is fumigated. Most of the cases, fumigation is done after completion of stuffing of cargo and closing the door of container. The result of such fumigation is more effective, as the gases used for fumigation circulates all spaces in the container without spreading gas outside, as the container is closed. However, this method of fumigation is not allowed for the cargo for certain food products for direct consumption and other specified goods.


Fumigation generally involves the following phases: First, the area intended for fumigation is covered to create a sealed environment. Next, the fumigant is released into the space to be fumigated. The space is held for a set period while the fumigant gas percolates through the space and acts on/kills any infestation in the area. Finally, the space is ventilated so that the poisonous gases are allowed to escape from the space, rendering it safe for humans to enter. If successful, the fumigated area is now safe and pest free.


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